
十一月 06, 2023

Éric Lechelard, HR Director, 分享他在提供混合工作对招聘和留住人才的重要性方面的经验.

a man wearing headphones and sitting at a desk with a laptop

我希望你有机会阅读我之前的三篇系列文章. If not, you can click-through to check out blog 1, Today’s new normal demands new ways of working, and blog 2, Rethinking recruiting and workplace welfare.

In this blog, 我们将继续关注混合工作在人力资源招聘方面是如何发展和改变组织的, talent retention and employee engagement.

Meeting the new expectations of applicants

如今,在人力资源面试中,混合型工作一直是一个话题. As part of the HR team, 我们深知,为求职者提供真正的数字化工作空间是确保他们在混合环境中取得成功的关键. 这不仅仅是人力资源竞争力或雇主品牌竞争力的问题, it's about survival in the world of recruitment. That's what we see at job datings — which by the way, if you are not familiar with, are express interviews — similar to speed dating. You’ve got 15 minutes to present your organisation, and you must do it well, otherwise people won't stay. Working hours, holidays, teleworking, collaboration tools, 使用社交媒体——这些几乎是所有求职者在面试中都会遇到的话题.

如果让我给混合工作的重要性打分,从1到10, from an HR perspective, I think you could put the cursor on eight. 年轻的求职者和员工希望以一种整体的方式来对待工作,而不是传统的泰勒主义观点,即把工作分解成独立的工作元素. 在ALE,我们通过结果来衡量成功,同时监控工作负载,并提供自主权.

Digital experience, quality of life at work and engagement

提供一个有吸引力和高效的数字工作空间是招聘和留住员工的重要组成部分, 这里有一个具体的例子,它是如何在法国ALE展开的:与社会伙伴签署了一份关于社会对话的协议. 该协议指出,社会对话的手段将转向“全数字化”。. Abandoning emails, we switched to Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise,并在办公室里提供数字展示区,而不是海报.

如果我们想让加入公司的候选人参与社会对话, we must consider their expectations in order to remain attractive. This involves several objectives. 首先是尽可能实现“无纸化”,用数字化效率取代手工流程. This means as much information as possible must be accessible remotely, wherever employees are, in one of our three French offices, or elsewhere. The second addresses hybrid working, the subject of the first blog in this series. This includes PC-to-PC and PC-to-phone communications. While PC-to-PC works very well, the same cannot be said for PC-to-telephone, 对于所有公司来说,管理好这两种环境的共存并不是一件容易的事. For HR, 重要的是要记住,不应该给员工带来与他们可用的工具相关的额外压力, whether they are in the office or at home. ALE被认为是使用“即服务”通信工具和可从云端访问的服务的先驱, that is still far from being the case for many companies. 作为企业通信和协作解决方案的提供商,我们的角色是提供一个单一的数字点,使员工能够从任何地方进行协作. For us, that single digital point is Rainbow当然,它可以与电脑、办公室电话或手机完美配合.


Today’s new normal demands new ways of working

Rethinking recruiting and workplace welfare



Eric Lechelard


With more than 20 years of experience in telecommunications and IT, 并担任ALE国际法国实体的人力资源总监五年, Eric Lechelard负责支持ALE国际集团战略转型的所有团队.

Eric在专业服务和客户服务(客户关怀)方面的专业知识为他在服务火狐体育手机提供了各种机会, 包括管理阿尔卡特朗讯企业业务的专业服务团队. He has led pre-sales, design, architecture, and 24-7 operations activities of all communications and network solutions for a strategic customer; a large US-based hospital group. He was also responsible for ALE global customer support activities, 在被任命为ALE国际人力资源团队总监之前.

In addition to an engineering degree in telecommunications and networks, Eric trained in services and sales, 并于2017年获得卡昂IAE人力资源管理硕士学位.




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